One would think that people who come into a library know how to read. I mean they got here somehow and that involved reading. But that's assuming and we all know what happens when you do that. I figured I'd post some of the signs we have around the desk. They seem straight forward to me.
Usually when i go to a store and no one is at a register I head for the register that is manned by a human being. Here, not so much. The key to the library is to find the one computer that doesn't have someone at it and then stand. not saying anything. And then we feel a death ray being beamed to us and turn around. I feel like I should try this at the store. Stand at the closed register and then get pissy when no one helps me. wtf? people do it here.
Another personal favorite of mine is the employees only sign. Usually this is not something that is necessary. you see a desk that has people behind it, you don't go back there. Same as if you were in a store. you don't go behind registers. But this life lesson apparently fails people once they step foot in a library. All rules go out the window.
Oh copy machine! why are you so complicated?
We used to have the signs posted all around the machine. You would think one would catch someones attention. nope. Two signs... nope. Three signs...again no. So we added this sign.
No way!! A sign that works. It was either this or my suggestion of them getting punched in the face to read the other 5 million signs we had up. But so far this little baby is working. and why do you ask would people keep asking about a bloody control card? Notice in the pic above? The screen on the copy machine....
Do you see it? The top left portion of the screen in little letters? It says "you must insert a control card"
And we cant make it go away. So we will always have people trying to use their library card, credit card, butt card.. whatever. Unless we have a million signs that just about smack them upside the head. I mean really people. Ugh.